Senator John McCain stole the spotlight with what will stand as the most memorable moment of the Republican Convention. McCain’s speech rallied the troops not to calls of Republican superiority, but to American steadfastness. “We are Americans first, Americans last, and Americans always” McCain affirmed.
In a sobering moment McCain invoked the words of Franklin Roosevelt “Of some generations much is asked. To other generations much is given. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.” With true compassionate conservativism McCain justified the ‘war on terror’ as a war on evil that infects an otherwise honorable religion. Praising the President’s resolve, McCain declared Bush is still the best man for the job.
News analysts called John McCain’s endorsement of one-time-rival George Bush a foregone conclusion, citing party loyalty and a possible McCain candidacy in 2008 as reasons. McCain has answered these accusations with flat out denials. John McCain may be loyal, but to suggest he would support a less than qualified candidate in order to further his own career is contemptible.
John McCain’s most unique remark was his insistence that we must recognize our true enemy and that it’s not each other, despite what a ‘certain disingenuous filmmaker’ [read as: Michael Moore] would have us believe.
McCain is a voice of reason that comes from the heart.
Want to drive the bandwagon instead of jumping on in ’08?
Find a wealth of information at Senator McCain’s Website
Geek Note:
McCain was introduced with the Star Wars score and it’s not the first time.
During McCain’s candidacy in 2000 he compared the political attacks on him to the deathstar attacking Luke Skywalker, he even wielded a light saber.
John doesnt compare to Johnny Depp