Cotton Hill, perhaps the funniest character on the the animated series King of the Hill, passed away on Veteran’s Day (video right). This WWII vet may have been 5 foot nothing but he was a bigger man than any of us will ever be. He killed entire armies singlehandedly, built bunkers out of dung, blood and sweat, & scored a chick half his age and twice his height. But Cotton affected more than just his small corner of the animated world. There can be no doubt that the short, ill-tempered, bigot was a prototype for Boondocks’ Uncle Ruckus. And good or bad at least Cotton was a face for veterans on TV. Cotton’s gone now but thousands of disabled veterans are still here. And what better way to pay your respects than by donating to disabled veterans, give as little or as much as you like plus it’s tax deductible.

Post Postscript: Read an exclusive interview of Cotton Hill done 3 years ago by Lame News here