Over the years the Doctor has perhaps best demonstrated the space inside the TARDIS with his seeming inexhaustible wardrobe of bad clothes.
The last 2 Doctors were the exception, but Matt Smith is bringing unsexy back with his uncanny impersonation of the quintessential loser George McFly from Back to the Future. He’s even got himself a redheaded companion whose fashion seems equally behind the times. Then again given the nature of the show, who knows where or when she meets the Doctor.
But BBC doesn’t see that way, “His new costume comprises black boots, dark trousers, a smart shirt and bow tie with a light brown jacket completing the ensemble. It says adventure. It says laid back cool. It says Time Lord chic and we’re loving it!”
Bow tie = Adventure!?
Oddly enough they also describe his companion as having a “laid back” look. Let’s hope the clothes don’t make the (wo)man in this case because a laid back Doctor & companion could make for very poor plot development and go something like this:
Doctor: “Well my new companion, we’ve got a whole universe to explore. Where to then?”
Companion: “I dunno. Where do you wanna go?”
Doctor: “hmm… Let’s just call Torchwood and what they’re doing.”
Ring… Ring…
Doctor: “They not picking up.”