Everyone knows sex is great to work up a sweat so why not design exercise equipment around it?
Telebrands newest infomercial (video below) promises to help women get rid of those unsightly flabby arms that double as wind sails by literally shaking the weight away.
The Shake Weight uses “Dynamic Inertia” (it vibrates) to create resistance as you desperate try to keep it away from your face. In just 6 minutes a day you’ll be in hooker shape!
But L7 World wasn’t the only one to notice the sexual innuendo. Kevin Pereira, host of G4’s Attack of the Show, gave his own testimonial on the power of shaking your weight! (MUST SEE VIDEO BELOW)
G4 had the video removed, but no worries check out an even funnier video.
The Shake weight has released a new instructional video that seems to be in on the joke. I gotta hand it to them it blows away all the parodies. It recommends “do not wiggle or allow it to wobble or move it side to side. Keep your movement short and fast” Words to live by!
Shake Weight for your lower body!