Look out Oprah, Conan is doing his own audience giveaway. Of course, the budget on TBS is smaller, a lot smaller, so Coco is giving away “20 PINE TREE AIR FRESHENERS* IN 20 NIGHTS.”
Each one comes in a convenient carrying case: a Chevy Cruze. You can re-enter daily @ teamcoco.com/chevycruze and tweet about the contest for another entry!
Disclaimer: If Conan get fired again you agree to let him sleep in your car.
so freekin glad someone finaly was smart enough to realize that you (coco)are the only night time talk show host,and now that I can watch your show ,thanks to TBS,at 10:00 pm have agreat laugh and go to bed at a decent time. conans #1 fan no matter what station they send you too!
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