Even the most doting parent sees their child in a different light come bedtime. Go the Fuck to Sleep is a children’s book that “captures the frustration of being in a room with a kid and feeling like you may actually never leave that room again, that you may spend the rest of your life in that dark room, trying to get your kid to go to sleep,” says author and father Adam Mansbach.

The illustrations feature picturesque scenes of children exploring the world while all round them animals sleep. The captions are equally heartwarming, at least they start off that way: “The cats nestle close to their kittens now. The lambs have laid down with the sheep. You’re cozy and warm in your bed, my dear. Please go the fuck to sleep.”

Mansbach’s says his inspiration for the book is sleeping easier since cutting out naps but “At this point it’s this crazy book keeping me awake.” Go the Fuck to Sleep has become a bestseller on Amazon and Fox has optioned the film rights. There’s even an audio book version appropriately narrated by Samuel “Fucking” Jackson, which you can download for free at Amazon.