LEFT – Interstate 55 in Missouri. 
RIGHT – International Keystone Knights Realm of Georgia: Knighthawk, April Hanson and her husband Harley Hanson Nazi salute on Route 515 in Union County, Georgia.

The KKK is trying to clean up its image, literally. The International Keystone Knights Realm of Georgia have applied for the Adopt-A-Highway program, which encourages volunteers to pick up litter off the highway and recognizes their contribution with a sign.

The Georgia Department of Transportation denied the group’s application and issued the following statement:

The Georgia Department of Transportation, after consultation with Governor Nathan Deal and the State Transportation Board Chair, today denied the application of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to participate in the Department’s Adopt A Highway program in Union County, GA.

The Adopt A Highway Program is designed to allow civic-minded organizations in good standing to provide the valuable public service of removing litter from designated roadways. Participation in the program should not detract from its worthwhile purpose.

Maintaining the safety of our roadways is this Department’s foremost mission. Encountering signage and members of the KKK along a roadway would create a definite distraction to motorists. Also, the section of roadway requested is ineligible for adoption due to its posted speed limit exceeding the program maximum of 55 mph.

Further, promoting an organization with a history of inciting civil disturbance and social unrest would present a grave concern to the Department.

Finally, issuing this permit would have the potential to negatively impact the quality of life, commerce and economic development of Union County and all of Georgia.

The KKK isn’t giving up. It has enlisted the aid of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which successfully defended the group in a similar case in Missouri. That state argued Title VI prohibits discrimination but the Court made a distinction between the KKK’s activities inside and outside of the program.

“The Klan, like other participants in the AAH program, would simply be prohibited from engaging in discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the conduct of its participation in the operations of a program receiving federal financial assistance,” they explained.

“The court reasoned that the MHTC’s rejection of the Klan’s application was not based on the State’s nondiscrimination policies, but rather was based on the Klan’s beliefs, in violation of the First Amendment.”

The victory was short-lived though. The KKK suddenly lost interest when the highway was renamed after civil rights icon Rosa Parks. They stopped maintaining the highway and were dropped from the program.

In Maryland, they chose not to contest an application by the KKK on advise from legal counsel. They suspended the program altogether rather than allow the group to participate.

The only successful court challenge was in Texas where the Court ruled that “captive” residents should not be subjected to the signs.

“The State’s denial of the Klan’s application to the Project is a reasonable effort to avoid strife and intimidation of current and prospective residents of the Vidor public housing project and to promote compliance with a federal desegregation order,” said the Court.

Sign of the Times

Over the years, the Adopt-A-Highway program has become more about publicity and promoting an agenda rather than civic duty. Some other dubious adoptions include the white separatists groups National Socialist Movement and National Alliance, a witch school, North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), the disaster preparedness organization Zombie Squad (ZS), Canabis Defense Fund, the border patrol organization Minutemen, Atheists, transgender community, an erotic store called Luv Boutique, Hanging Chads, Muslim community, Santa & Mrs. Claus, Zombie Prom Date Knitters club, religious cult called Yahweh’s 666 Warning Assembly, misogynistic club called Men’s Crisis Center, the gun rights group OpenCarry.org, One of the June Lake Liberals, and the Rent a Hubby Service.

Lost in Translation – Funny Signs from the Far East