Last week Fox pulled two new episodes from its Animation Domination programming block, Family Guy “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” and American Dad “Minstrel Krampus.” The decision was made because of concerns about cartoon violence in the wake of the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The network has rescheduled the Family Guy episode for Sunday Dec 23, however there’s still no word on when the American Dad episode will air. Given that it’s a Christmas-themed episode we might not see it until next year, if at all.
Family Guy “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!”
Peter tells his own version of the Nativity story.
American Dad “Minstrel Krampus”
It is holiday time in Langley Falls and Steve starts acting like a spoiled brat, so Stan takes him to see his incarcerated Grandpa Jack, who tells the story of how, as a boy, he captured the legendary Minstrel Krampus, a Christmas demon who used to punish naughty children on Christmas. When the Krampus then captures Steve, it’s Stan and Roger to the rescue. Meanwhile, Hayley gets a job at the airport, but realizes she may not be cut out for customer service.