Former Superman actor Dean Cain is leading an expedition into the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest to find Bigfoot. Nine teams of Bigfoot hunters will compete to win 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, a new reality series on Spike TV.
Cain was initially skeptical about the existence of the creature. “But as time has gone on here, I have become much more open to the real possibility,” he said during appearance on Red Eye.
Very real is the prize money, which is underwritten by Lloyd’s of London. To claim the prize contestants must obtain both visual and DNA evidence of a new species of primate. The DNA can be retrieved in a variety of ways according to Chris Rantamaki, the Senior Vice President of Original Series at Spike TV.
“It’s not my world, but there’s all different kinds of DNA, obviously, like hair, fur, saliva, stuff that maybe scraped off onto branches … scat is obviously a very big piece [of evidence] in the woods,” Rantamaki told Yahoo! TV. “And for the scat, it’s so crazy that it can be determined, within several hours, what animal it has come from, very specifically, through the DNA sequencing. And even when samples are found, our experts have this knowledge … and in the lab, there’s a textbook that is just filled with pictures of various kinds of scat, from every animal. It shows the picture of the animal, the shape of the scat … it’s all really crazy, but hearing all these folks talk about it is fascinating.”
10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty premieres January 2014.