Archer is going in a whole new direction this season Executive Producer Matt Thompson told UPROXX. ISIS is shutdown for operating illegally and the former agents decide to retire after they sell all the cocaine they’re acquired from their missions. Of course, Cheryl (Judy Greer) is already rich so she uses her free-time to become a county singer.
The show will release an actual country album called “Cheryl Sings” or “Cherlene Sings.” It features 12 country songs including covers of “East Bound and Down” from the Smokey and the Bandit soundtrack and the Top Gun hit “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins, who will make a guest appearance on the show.
“We hired somebody who sounds like Judy,” Thompson explains. “Judy’s f*cking thrilled with it. She’s loving listening to this girl ’cause she wants to be able to sing. Judy is not a great singer. So she loves that she gets to pretend that she’s a great singer.”
Archer season 5 premieres 10/9c on January 13 on FX.