Norman volume 1 Stan Silas preview cover
Even in the slasher genre, kids are usually off limits but Norman can get away with it because he is a kid! This horror comedy follows a disturbed little boy and an imaginary devil sitting on his shoulder. Imagine if Calvin and Hobbes went on a killing spree. The iconic hockey mask he wears is no coincidence. Norman wants to emulate his heroes: Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers and Freddy Freddy Krueger. He matter-of-factly murders his classmates in gruesome detail but with just the right amount of comic relief so you won’t feel bad about it. When blood gushes from a knife wound he employs cartoon physics to plug up the hole like dam. The snafu is immediately preceded by his devilish friend commenting on how smoothly things are going as if they’re in a bad movie. No one suspects the 8-year-old is behind the murders. His teacher thinks the killer is her sugar daddy, who insists that she steer clear of his home. That means it’s up to kids to discover the true identity of the killer.

PRE-ORDER: The Life of Norman: Volume 1 of 4
RELEASE DATE: March 31, 2015.

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