Doctor Who special Doctor's Finest hosted by Hannah Hart

BBC America will air eight essential episodes of Doctor Who leading up to the season premiere on September 19. Doctor’s Finest features two episodes each night including “Blink,” “The Waters of Mars,” “The End of Time,” “Vincent and the Doctor,” “The Doctor’s Wife,” “The Day of the Doctor,” “The Time of the Doctor,” and “Deep Breath.”

The episodes star nearly all the modern Doctors: Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith), Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and the War Doctor (John Hurt) but not the short-lived Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston).

There will even be a female Doctor! Host Hannah Hart (Electra Woman and Dyna Girl) tweeted a photo of herself sporting the Eleventh Doctor’s fez in front of a green screen, which just like the TARDIS could take her just about anywhere or anytime. Hart promises the episodes will be bigger on the inside with fan videos, Comic-Con footage, special guests and sneak peaks at the new season.

Doctor’s Finest premieres with “Blink” & “The Waters of Mars” August 15, Saturday 8PM on BBCA.