Mac and Cheese drunk triade movie trailer on Jimmy Kimmel David Koechner Justin Theroux

Jimmy Kimmel served up some laughs at the expense of UConn student Luke Gatti, who berated cafeteria workers after they refused him service for being publicly intoxicated. Guest Justin Theroux revealed that he’s purchased the film rights to the viral video for his latest film titled Mad Mac: Hunger is no Game. Theroux stars alongside David Koechner as manager Dave Robinson. Kimmel makes a cameo as the lunch lady, who insists the drunkard take his antics outside. Gatti refuses to leave and he’s arrested after police receive a code 4: “drunk and stupid.”

Gatti made his own video asking for forgiveness from the staff, the school and his family. He’s already been forgiven by Bill McKay, the employee who tackled Gatti.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think about this,” McKay told the University of Connecticut’s Daily Campus newspaper. “The bottom line is since I am a Christian I need to forgive.”

McKay says Gatti still needs to be held accountable and that he should be expelled. He suggested that troubled teenager “join the military” to learn disciple, then use the G.I. Bill to reimburse his parents for his tuition.

McKay also called out other students for making death threats against Gatti only weeks after the school hosted a suicide prevention forum.

“To the mass media, and everyone who wants to keep putting him down and beating a dead horse, I say the same thing I told Luke that night: you’re done. Show’s over,” he concluded.