Late Show Stephen Colbert Hillary Clinton Broad City Ilana Glazer Abbi Jacobson 1776

No one is more excited about Hillary Clinton’s nomination for president than Broad City stars Ilana Glazer & Abbi Jacobson. Late Show‘s Stephen Colbert interviewed the actresses, who portrayed our founding mothers in a skit set in Philadelphia, 1776.

“You hear that Ben Franklin, women are on top…and not just your French whores,” Glazer jibed the well-known philanderer.

They’re disappointed to learn that Hillary was not elected just nominated and even that took 240 years. It shouldn’t be that surprising seeing as 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote wasn’t ratified until 1920. Furthermore, Hillary isn’t technically the first woman nominated, which is why you often hear the qualifier “nominated by a major party.” The Green Party nominated Cynthia McKinney in 2008 and Jill Stein in 2012 and 2016.

Glazer and Jacobson admit to feeling the Bern but now they’re “headin’ for the Hills.”

“We don’t support Hillary just because she’s a woman,” Glazer explained. “And if you don’t support Hillary that doesn’t mean you’re not a feminist either.”

Yas We Can

Hillary guest starred in the Broad City episode “2016.” The girls meet their idol when Ilana volunteers for the campaign but resigns upon learning the position is unpaid. She promises to tweet “Vote for Hillary. Yas yas yas.”

Glazer said Hillary and her entourage were “cool” and the experience was “cohesive” with what they witnessed at the convention.