The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror XXVII” will mark the cartoon’s 600th episode.
“It’s a big show people look forward to,” executive producer Al Jean told USA Today. “Even though it’s 600, it’s still exciting for me. I never feel like this is an old show. I feel that if this was a show that started last year, people would be excited about everything that’s going on.”
The episode opens with a cameo by Sideshow Bob, who finally succeeded in killing Bart in last year’s “Treehouse of Horror XXVI.” This year’s terrifying tales include Mr. Burns going Mad Max and hording all the water in Springfield; Lisa’s imaginary friend (Sarah Silverman) murdering her real friends; and Moe running a secret service agency in a James Bond parody complete with theme song performed by Judith Owen, wife of Harry Shearer (Ned Flanders).
The Treehouse of Horror XXVII poster features Maggie as an action hero à la the Hunger Games, Marge as an ice cream cone, Lisa as a recycling bin, Bart as a raptor and Homer as Bender from Futurama. Homer and Bender met in the crossover episode “Simpsorama.”
The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror XXVII” premieres Sunday 8PM, October 16 on Fox.