Zombie Jew
“I’m here for the bris.”

There’s an old German proverb that says, “When there’s no more room in the ovens, the Jews will walk the Earth.” But fear not my good gentiles for John Liebowitz is here. He’s 1/2 Jew, 1/2 Fonzie, and all kosher. And he’s gonna kick some zombie tuchus!

Night of the Living Jews, which clocks in at just over 17 minutes (excluding credits), may not be deep on setting, story, or interpersonal relationships but it doesn’t skimp on the campiness. Two words: killer payos (you know, those gnarly sideburns Hasidic Jews have). If you like classics such as “Plan 9 from Outer Space,” “Night of the Living Bread,” or the infamous “Gay Niggers from Outer Space” then listen to your inner Jew and download it cause it sure as hell isn’t coming to a movie theater near you.

You can get the iso (2.12 GB) here http://isohunt.com/download/53379054/NIGHT+OF+THE+LIVING+JEWS.torrent or get the smaller Xvid version (300 MB) by signing up either http://www.demonoid.com or http://www.ilovetorrents.com (both currently have open registration).

I recommend the full version; the extras aren’t too shabby. It’s got some wonderfully insightful commentary and a drinking game you’d have to be a lawyer to understand. There’s also something called Strip Dreidel, which has absolutely nothing to with zombies and I’m pretty sure those women weren’t Jewish.

For more info check out the official website http://nightofthelivingjews.com