Happy “Day Without a Gay” everyone! What’s “Day Without a Gay” you ask? Why it’s only the best Christian holiday ever! It’s magical time when all the gays are whisked away in a sort of gay rapture. Self-confessed sodomite Sean Hetherington came up with idea and the color-coordinated website (daywithoutagay.org) in response to Proposition 8, which came just sort of banning gays forever. It was was supposed to show how super-helpful the gays are (e.g. cutting our hair, decorating our homes, and taking Rosie O’Donnell out of circulation). And that without them we’d be stuck between a rock and hard place.
Unfortunately, it didn’t receive a lot of attention from the mainstream media. And it didn’t help that “uncle tomboys” like Ellen Degeneres and Rachel Maddow went on with their talk shows.
But don’t give up hope. I mean do you think the first time the apostles showed up on Mary and Joseph’s doorstep caroling it went well either?