In Astonishing X-Men #51, the wedding of super hero Northstar AKA Jean-Paul Beaubier and Kyle Jinadu broke with tradition in more ways than one. Quentin Quire, whose superpower is being a spoilsport, points out “Have you ever heard of a super hero wedding that wasn’t crashed by aliens or … I don’t know … six-breasted, two-head, amazon women wearing nothing but thongs?”
Fortunately, there were no party crashers this time. Just the opposite. Northstar’s teammate Warbird walks out on the wedding.
“For me to attend would be a lie,” she tells him. “I cannot … I do not recognize the validity of the ceremony vows. I take no joy in saying this. I respect you. But this is how I feel.”
She’s not the only one uncomfortable with homosexuality. Puck and Havok sneak off to the bar and share their discomfort.
“I’m a progressive guy, but it’s a lot to take in, huh?” says Puck.
“I don’t know. I mean, I’m happy for Northstar and Kyle … but I can’t stop thinking about what my grandma would say about all of this,” Havok replies.
In the end, Puck attends the wedding and can even be seen clapping as the grooms kiss.