Are you a Trekkie with a warped fashion sense? The Star Trek cologne and perfume set exudes the essence of all your favorite characters: Captain Kirk, Spock, Sulu and even the cannon fodder affectionately known as Redshirts! Each fragrance comes in a brightly colored bottle with matching metallic box.
Tiberius Cologne gives you overwhelming confidence.
Red Shirt Cologne gives you unfounded confidence.
Pon Farr Perfume makes men fight over you.
Sulu Cologne also makes men fight over you. (Oh my!)
Buy Star Trek cologne and perfume @ Amazon.
Iconic Perfumes From The 80s And The 90s Cool Water It should come as no surprise, given that the 1980s are now commonly referred to in hindsight as “the decade of greed,” that the watchword for many brands during that time was decadence, decadence, and more decadence.