Gaytham, Gotham‘s lesbian team-up between Barbara Kean (Erin Richards) and Detective Renee Montoya (Victoria Cartagena), officially ended in last night’s episode “Rogues’ Gallery.” Barbara recently left her fiancé James Gordon (Ben McKenzie) after revealing her past with Montoya but insisting it was over. She went back to her after being shut out by Jim. Babara claims that she is now over him but Renee says getting back together was a mistake because they have “toxic” relationship that revolves around drugs and alcohol.
“I believe that Renee really did break it off because of her sobriety,” Cartagena told The Wall Street Journal. “And I believe that she really, really loves Barbara. But I think that Renee is at a point in her life where she is more self-aware than she ever was — and I don’t know if that’s because she’s gone through recovery — and she’s just willing to step away from the person that she loves in order to save herself. Because she’s been there with Barbara before, and it ended badly. So at least, at this point, she has the benefit of hindsight.”
Barbara tries to call Jim but gets Ivy Pepper (Clare Foley), who is squatting in his apartment. Ivy says she’s a ‘friend’ which infuriates Barbara, who assumes he’s cheating on her as well. As Barbara becomes more and more isolated expect her fall back into old patterns so we may not have seen the last of Gaytham.
Gotham airs Monday 8PM on Fox.