Google Page Rank update is underway. I know because L7 World went up to Page Rank 3. Something the site achieved long ago but I slacked off last year and it dropped down to a Page Rank 2. Now it’s back baby!
How’d I do it, you ask.
Quality posts? Nah. Quantity post? Nope. Advertising? Nu-uh. Google bribe? No.
I did it the same way everyone does: backlinks, which I get from awesome visitors like you!
To show my appreciation I will give a free backlink on this post to one random commenter who links to this post. It can be as simple as a tweet. Just leave a link to where you shared this post. Winner will be selected in one week (8/9/2012).
Familia Ramblings a blog to “explore the different aspects of family and relationships whether real or fictional.”
Mike’s Daily Jukebox a blog with an eclectic mix of music.
I have question about the next google backling update when will be ? Do you hear anything about that? If yes I’d like to hear about this.Thanks for help
Usually there is an update is every 3 months so the next PageRank update will probably be in November 2012.
Thanks a lot for response. I need backlinks and working on it but now I cant see exactly the backlink which I have waiting for new update.
Congratulations! http://covermaker.net/
Hey there, Congrats on getting a PR Update :)
My PR is 2 right now, without any SEO work on it.
I am improving it now :)
Congratulations! Very impressive, I like the variety on your site. I have a music video site that tries to keep mixing it up too. I appreciate your post about backlinks. I’ll have to take some pointers from you.
Congratulations on achieving a Pagerank of 3! This is the first I’m hearing about it being updated, so I’m going to have to go check mine out. Thanks for letting me know about the update!