If you’ve checked the Webcomics page lately you probably noticed a lot of “temporarily unavailable” messages courtesy of Webshots. Fortunately, they were saved before they were deleted (blog posts images weren’t so lucky). From now on they’ll be self-hosted, which means image quality won’t be reduced. All webcomics will be republished as blog posts rather than pages, which will make them more searchable via tags not allowed on pages. There will also be lots of new webcomics coming once the old stuff is back up.
Short-term (rough-draft complete):
- DC Comics: Batgirl and Joker wedding (live)
- The Walking Dead Social Game (one-shot but may do more of about the series)
- Venture Bros. Brock Samson VS Black Dynamite (one-shot but may do more about series)
- Surfmen (final chapter)
Long-term :
- Doctor Who and Dalek Oswald (ongoing series that will hopefully before Oswald gets killed … permanently)
- Family Guy: Swap Meat (ongoing series – new title card added for first act)
- Office Ninja (original series about, wait for it … a ninja who works in an office – maybe it’s already up but you just can’t see it)
- SEX Terminators (original series about sex monster hunters – long ways off)
Have a preference what gets done first? Leave a comment.