Kerry Washington SNL's only black woman
Saturday Night Live host Kerry Washington was forced to pick up the slack for Kenan Thompson, who announced he would no longer dress in drag to draw attention to the show’s lack of diversity.

The show opened with a self-parodying sketch in which Washington played multiple black characters including
Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Beyonce. While she was changing costumes, the producers issued a public apology.

The producers at “Saturday Night Live” would like to apologize to Kerry Washington for the number of black women she will be asked to play tonight. We made these request both because Ms. Washington is an actress of considerable range and talent and also because “SNL” does not currently have a black woman in the cast. As for the latter reason, we agree that this is not an ideal situation and look forward to rectifying it in the near future… unless, of course, we fall in love with another white guy first.

In fact, six different Matthew McConaugheys appeared to fully demonstrate the abundance of white men in the cast.

“What have we learned from this sketch?” asked Rev. Al Sharpton, who made a guest appearance. “As usual nothing.”

SNL hires black woman