April Fool’s Day is now officially “Whopper Day” in Japan. Burger King has registered it with the Japan Anniversary Association. To celebrate the occasion they will offer a limited-time cologne with a “Flame Grilled” fragrance. The 30-milliliter bottles retail for 5,000 yen, or approximately $42.

Burger King cologne Whopper April Fool's Joke

Burger King will also be offering a month-long “Whopper Pass” for 5,000 yen ($42). At a regular price of 840 yen ($7) that’s a Whopper of deal!

Given the timing of the release, there’s been some understandable speculation that this may be a practical joke but rest assured you can have it your way. A spokeswoman confirmed it’s authenticity to Japan Real Time.

“It has that nice savory smell,” she described the cologne.

Japanese McDonald’s restaurants offered a similar promotion with high-end burgers for 1,000 yen ($10 at the time). The “Quarter Pounder Jewelry” series included three jewel-themed burgers: Gold Ring, Black Diamond and Ruby Spark. Each meal came in a jewelry box with a golden ring around the burger.