The Simpsons made a guest appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, or rather vice versa, to promote the 600th episode “Treehouse of Horror XXVII.” The late night host is sucked through the television into the animated world of Springfield. Homer shakes a Simpsonized Kimmel out of the boob tube while yelling at him to “be funnier” like late night rival James Corden and his carpool karaoke bit.
Homer gives Kimmel a tour which includes Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Moe’s Tavern and Springfield Elementary School where Bart writes on the chalkboard during the show’s opening sequence. Kimmel engages in some self-deprecating humor. He writes: ‘I will not make celebrities read mean tweets.’
Kimmel criticizes Homer’s parenting skills, particularly for not knowing Maggie’s age. He seems to suggest her pacifier could be the reason for her stunted growth. However, The Simpsons will never age according to executive producer Al Jean.
“To my mind, the best way to go out would be to have the final episode conclude with the Christmas pageant at Springfield Elementary School that began our first episode back in 1989,” says Jean. “That way, it won’t really be an ending at all. It’ll turn the series into one continuous loop that will play on forever.”
Kimmel explains that he has to get back to his own show but assures Homer that he can always see him on television.
“Mmm TV . . . a beautiful distraction from the certainty of death,” Homer opines. “Bye one of the Jimmys.”
The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror XXVII” premieres October 16, Sunday 8PM on Fox.