Donald Trump is without a doubt sexist but does that make Trump supporters sexist for standing by their man? Not according to women for Trump.
Democrats have called for Republicans to unendorse Trump after he was caught bragging about groping women in a more than decade old interview with Access Hollywood anchor Billy Bush.
“The fact that now you’ve got people saying, ‘Well, we strongly disapprove. We really disagree. We find those comments disgusting. But we’re still endorsing him. We still think he should be president.’ That doesn’t make sense to me,” President Barack Obama opined at a rally for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton’s VP Tim Kaine went so far as to incite a witch hunt to find Trump supporters.
“Any Republican who has said they are for Donald Trump, they need to asked by the press and others and constituents, right now, do you still he’s qualified to be President of the United States?” Kaine suggested.
Democratic challenger Anna Throne-Holst released a campaign ad linking NY congressman Lee Zeldin to Trump. The ad features audio of Trump’s lewd comments juxtaposed with an endorsement by Zeldin.
Similar ultimatums for republicans to unendorse Trump have been made by voters like Marybeth Glenn, who went on a twitter tirade against still loyal republicans including senator Ted Cruz, senator Marco Rubio, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. All of whom condemned Trump’s behavior but still endorse him. Ironically, Glenn ended the rant against sexism by calling anyone still supporting Trump a “tool.”
Women for Donald Trump
Trump supporters aren’t all sexist men. Teen Vogue found one woman who reluctantly pulled the lever for Trump. Rebecca Plaine isn’t the stereotypical uneducated, older voter. She’s a 28-year-old Masters graduate from New York University. Plaine says she researched the candidates’ positions and voted accordingly.
“I’m very socially liberal, but to me, those issues don’t matter until all the other bigger issues are solved,” Plaine explained. “It’s almost a hierarchy. If I have to pick the issue that’s most important, it’s the one that threatens me the most. I think that a lot of Republican women my age are socially liberal, but those aren’t the issues they vote on.”
Issues such as the Supreme Court, Obamacare, abortion, Second Amendment, national debt and the economy may trump misogyny for some voters. Few voters will ever agree with any candidate on every issue. It’s also presumptuous to assume other voters’ priorities should align with your own. Just imagine if Donald Trump put Hillary Clinton supporters into a “basket of deplorables” filled with baby killers, socialists and blasphemers.
Plaine encourages others to vote their conscience on the issues that matter to them.
“As long as you’re informed and you believe in the choices you’re making, you should go with what you think and be able to explain to your friends why you’re making your decision,” she urged. “Don’t be afraid to have an opinion that your friends don’t agree with, and don’t be afraid to be different if that’s what you believe. Know that you can look back and know you made the best decision you could have at that time because you made sure you were informed and that you voted.”
Its normal for third party feminists to find rederick more importnant than anything else a president could do. Liberals have been using sexism and racism as slander campaings since the 60s it doesnt matter who it is. Obama ran a add against Mitt Romney saying, ” he’s gunna put y’all back in chains.” So in conclusion Donald Trump is not sexist or racist, he’s Christian. :)