The classic anime series FLCL (Fooly Cooly) returns to Adult Swim with not one but two new seasons dubbed Progressive and Alternative. An all-new cast of characters encounters everyone’s favorite headcase, Haruko Haruhara AKA Haruha Raharu (voiced by Kari Wahlgren). The extraterrestrial madwoman uses her guitar to bash in the heads of the discontented youth of a town where giant irons steam away brain wrinkles and thereby original thoughts. The resulting cranial eruption gives birth to powerful robots reminiscent of the myth of Athena emerging from Zeus’ forehead. Ironically, FLCL isn’t particularly thought provoking but rather an emotional coming-of-age story complete with a rebellious soundtrack by the Japanese rock bank The Pillows.

FLCL Progressive and Alternative anime
FLCL: Progressive cast (left to right): Haruha Raharu, Jinyu, Hidomi and Ide

FLCL: Progressive

Hidomi and her classmate Ide live a humdrum existence. That all changes when they get caught up in the war between the thought police known as Medical Mechanica and the free thinking alien Fraternity. Haruha Raharu worms her way into their lives by posing as a school teacher. She attempts to unlock Hidomi’s potential to summon the all-powerful Pirate King, Atomsk. Unfortunately, Haruha has some competition from another guitar wielding woman named Jinyu.

FLCL: Alternative

Kana, Mossan, Hijiri, and Pets are ordinary high school juniors until the day a giant robot fallout out of the sky. The pilot, Haruko, takes a special interest in Kana. Can Kana summon Atomsk and rid the world of the oppressive irons?

FLCL: Progressive premieres June 2 Saturday 11:30 p.m. EDT and PDT on Adult Swim.
FLCL: Alternative premieres September on Adult Swim.

Watch FLCL season 1 on Funimation: