Devil’s Due stars Allison Miller and Zach Gilford as Samantha and Zach McCall, a newlywed couple whose baby is possessed by the Anti-Christ. The rotten rugrat was set loose on the streets of New York in the latest example of prank advertising, or prankvertising.
20th Century Fox hired Thinkmodo the company behind the Carrie movie prank and Creature Effects Inc. responsible for animatronics in movies and commercials like Ted and the Wheat Thins puppet.
The animatronic baby is hidden underneath blankets in a baby carriage, which is also remote controlled. It took three people to operate the stroller, baby’s body and facial expressions. Unsuspecting pedestrians were lured in by the baby cries that were played on a loop. It also chased after a scooter that didn’t dare stop.
Not surprisingly, the Anti-Christ didn’t obey traffic laws. His carriage double parked across from a police car. The baby gave the cops the middle finger, which is blurred out because otherwise the puke spewing devil baby might be perceived as offensive.
Most New Yorkers didn’t bat an eye at the wayward baby carriage, which is is pretty scary in and of itself, but when the spawn of Satan sits up it has their full attention. One exception was a stoic street cleaner, who was was literally unmoved by the prank.
Ironically, Thinkmodo founder Michael Krivicka says he was the most effected. Krivicka has a six-month-old son about the same size as the animatronic baby, which gave him nightmares.
Devil’s Due will be release this Friday, January 17.